Oda Projesi CV



Oda Projesi artist collective is founded by Özge Açıkkol, Güneş Savaş, Seçil Yersel in İstanbul, in 2000. 

  • Firuzaga Mah., Yeni Carşı Cad, 29/2, 34425, Beyoğlu- İstanbul - Turkey

  • Ederstrasse 9, 12059, Berlin-Germany



Bahnhof Within Radyo and Radio within Radio programs done within Radyo Within Kollektiv at Refuge Worldwide Radio Station, Berlin.


What happened to the public space after the picnic, Urbane Praxis, Satellit, Berlin

How to look at a radio archive that is more than sound?, workshop, Miss Read + Lumbung Radio, Prefair Program, Miss Read Space, Berlin 

Much of a muchness, Mad Tea Party performative gathering at Chto Delat Emergency Room, Berlin


Anne(x), Annex no: 7 published as part 17th İstanbul Biennale, İstanbul

Words to Spin, Dialogues Around the Pandemic, (&Nadin Reschke), Tarabya Kulturakademie,İstanbul 

“An Auricular Witness”, Til Vaegs, Copenhagen – Denmark. Curators: Oda Projesi, April 

Radio Within a Radio broadcast in “Radio Art Zone”, Esch, Luxembourg 

2021 – 2022

Contribution to Radyo Bienal in Açık Radyo as part of the 17th İstanbul Biennale 



“What is Normal” online exhibition, Structura, Sofia, Bulgaria; Radiator Gallery, NewYork, 



Care, Sisterhood and Witchcraft as a transformative power”, Oda Projesi Workshop, SALT online Working Groups 

2019 – 2020 

On Fail[e]d Tales and Ta[y]lors”, Tabakalera – International Centre for Contemporary Culture, San Sebastian, Spain. Curated by Madrassa Collective


“The World’s Last Exhibition”, Til Vægs, Copenhagen, Denmark. Curated by Per Brunskog

“Come on!”, Participation and Collaborative Practice in Contemporary Art, Plato Sanat, İstanbul. Curated by Marcus Graf


“Oda Projesi” exhibition at Ariel, İstanbul

Conceptual frame: Norgunk



“Bize Ait Bir Oda” exhibition at Ark Kültür in İstanbul.

Curator: Arzu Yayıntaş together with Güneş Terkol and Sevil Tunaboylu


Public Spaces and Cultural Capitals (workshop) as part of the Timeshare Project in Kunsthal Aarhus in collaboration with SALT 


ANA #2, A.N.A. AIR - Astrid Noack’s Atelier residency, Copenhagen, Denmark


Workshop and lecture in “Mobile Autonomy” Summer School “ORGANIZING OURSELVES AS ARTISTS TODAY”, Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp, Belgium


“ANA” (tr. mama, mother) project at Astrid Noack’s Atelier residency, Copenhagen, Denmark


Deel Staat residency in Extrapool, Nijmegen, Holland, working on Annex newspaper (April 5-20)

Online project, http://bookofprofessions.blogspot.com/


Tongue, (in collaboration with) Nadin Reschke, project documentation, Creative Communication and Artistic Intervention in the Public Space. 

Tongue, (in collaboration with) Nadin Reschke, “Other Possible Worlds – Entwürfe diesseits von Utopia”, NGBK, Berlin 


Tongue, (in collaboration with) Nadin Reschke, project documentation, Communauté / Gemeinschaft / Community exhibition, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany

Tongue, (in collaboration with) Nadin Reschke, project documentation, Communauté / Gemeinschaft / Community exhibition, LE GRAND CAFÉ, Centre d'art contemporain, Saint-Nazaire, France 


Cultural Agencies, one year project, Oda Projesi co-curating with Nikolaus Hirsch and Philipp Misselwitz, Maltepe/Gülsuyu-Gülensu, Istanbul, Turkey

Please Don’t Step On the Green, Vertical Gardens exhibition by SEA (Social Environmental Aesthetics) in Exit Art, New York, USA

17’ Necati Bey, Haksız Tahrik exhibition, Hafriyat, Istanbul, Turkey

Oda Projesi Archive, Special Days and Weeks exhibition, 5533, Istanbul, Turkey


Residency in Sally and Don Lucas Artist Residency Program in Montalvo Art Center, Saratoga, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Please Don’t Step On the Green, The Gatherers exhibition (in collaboration with) Gökçen Ergüven, Yerba Buena Art Center, San Francisco, USA

Conglomeration Map, 3rd Guangzhou Triennial, Tea Pavillion, Gouangzhou, China

Contribution to the periodical GIST magazine, İstanbul, Turkey


Dreams of Art Spaces Collected workshop, IGBK, Berlin, Germany

15 x 75 m. HINGUCKEN – WEGGUCKEN, &Nadin Reschke. Wilhelmsburger Freitag, Hamburg, Germany


Untitled Neighbourhood, Don Milani primary school, 5th class, Cities From Below exhibition, Teseco Foundation, Pisa, Italy

19+Oda Projesi, workshop project with 19 students from Funen Art Academy from Denmark and a presentation in Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey

Gentrified Talks I, panel discussion on the issue of gentrification process with sociologists, historians, architects, cartographers, city planners and artists, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey


“Radyo İçinde Radyo 101.7 EFEM” radio programs by Oda Projesi at Açık Radyo 94.9 local radio channel in Istanbul (2005 – 2007)

İstanbul: A City of Love and Dreams, Tirana Biennale 3, Sweet Taboos, Tirana, Albania

TOOL8.2, Shrinking Cities workshop, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and International Building Exhibition, Halle, Germany (June 1-26 — September 9-30)

Neighbourhood, Room, Neighbour, Guest, publication (124/3, Revolver), 9th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Turkey

From Place to Space, Collective Creativity exhibition in Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany

Balcony Radio, live broadcast in Radio Days, Amsterdam, Holland from İstanbul, Turkey

101.7 Efem, radio project (in collaboration with) Bookstr and THEN, Oda Projesi space, Galata, Istanbul, Turkey

Oda Projesi Documentation, Emergency Biennale, Palais de Tokyo/Paris&Grozny

Oda Projesi Revisited, video documentation, Das Neue Europa exhibition, Generali Foundation, Wien, Austria


PROJE4L, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden

Oda Projesi Documentation, 6th Werkleitz Biennale, Halle, Germany

Summer Celebration Picnic project, Oda Projesi space, Galata, Istanbul, Turkey

Oda Projesi Documentation, Old Habits Die Hard, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey


Untitled Photos, 8th Havana Biennale, RAIN group section, Pabellon de Cuba, Havana, Cuba

ADA, 8th Istanbul Biennale, Poetic Justice (in collaboration with) Mustafa Tetik & colleagues, İstanbul, Turkey

Annex, 50. Venice Biennale, The Structures of Survival, Venice, Italy

Metsastaa, Puu, Tyttö, &Hannah Kaihovirta-Rosvik, ID Contemporary Art, Platform, Vaasa, Finland

The Room Revisited, Kunstverein München, Munich, Germany


Windows, (in collaboration with the film director) Belmin Söylemez, Exchange&Transform exhibition in Kunstverein München, Germany

Moving Room, MOVING ROOM, IV. Gwangju Biennale, “Pause”, Gwangju, S. Korea


Series of projects with Süleymanşah Primary School children in the neighborhood of museum Proje4L, Gültepe, Istanbul, Turkey

3 Rooms and 1 Living Room, Becoming a Place exhibition, Proje4L - Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art, Gültepe, Istanbul, Turkey


Wedding and Birthday Party, Seçil Yersel’s project for One Day in the Room, Oda Projesi space Galata, Istanbul, Turkey

Bring An Object From Your Home, Özge Açıkkol’s project for One Day in the Room, Oda Projesi space, Galata, Istanbul, Turkey

Locked Room, Güneş Savaş’s project for One Day in the Room, Oda Projesi space Galata, Istanbul, Turkey

Swing, Seçil Yersel’s project for One Day in the Room, Oda Projesi space Galata, Istanbul, Turkey

About A Useless Space, Özge Açıkkol, opening project of Oda Projesi space, Galata, Istanbul, Turkey


Newspaper Annex

Annex 7, 2022, 17th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Turkey / Annex 6, 2019, “On Fail[e]d Tales and Ta[y]lors”, San Sebastian, Spain / Annex 5, 2012, ExtraAnnex, Nymegen, Holland/ Annex 4, 2009, Migrating Gardens, Kopenhagen, Denmark / Annex 3, 2004, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden/ Annex 2, 2003, 8th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Turkey/ Annex 1, 2003, 50. Venice Biennale, Italy


Kültürel Aracılar: 2019-2009, e-pub, SALT online, 2019 (link).

Kendi Sesinden Gülsuyu Gülensu, Notabene Publications, İstanbul, 2013

Tongue, with Nadin Reschke, by Revolver Verlag, Berlin, 2012

Neighbourhood, Room, Neighbour, Guest, by124/3, Revolver), 2005

Untitled book project, IVth Gwangju Bienalle, “Moving Room” by Oda Projesi, 2002

Çamaşır İplerinde Resim, book project for 8th Galata Festival, 1999 

Selected Bibliography

Maria Lind - “Actualisation of the Space”, October 2004, http://eipcp.net/transversal/1204/lind/en Published later in: From Studio to Situation, Claire Doherty (ed.), Black Dog Publishing, London, 2005, p. 109


Erden Kosova, “Face To Face”, Along the Gates of the Urban, Erden Kosova & Fatoş Üstek (eds.), art-ist contemporary art magazine pub., 2004, pp.14-19

Claire Bishop, “What we made together”, interview with Oda Projesi, Untitled, issue 33, Spring 2005, pp. 20-23

Derya Özkan, “Spatial Practices of Oda Projesi and the Production of Space in Istanbul”, ONCURATING, 2011, pp. 51-54 “Art's Indecent Proposal: Collaboration. An Attempt to Think Collectively”, http://www.on-curating.org/files/oc/dateiverwaltung/old%20Issues/ONCURATING_Issue11.pdf


Claire Bishop - “The Social Turn: Collaboration and its Discontents”, Artforum, February, 2006. 

Derya Özkan, “Spatial Practices of Oda Projesi and the Production of Space in Istanbul”, 

Bonnie Fortune “Oda Projesi at Astrid Noacks Atelier”, July 2013: http://mythologicalquarter.net/2013/07/31/oda-projesi-at-astrid-noaks-atelier/

Oda Projesi, “Like Water, Stories of Motherhood”, Mobile Autonomy Exercises in Artists Self Organization, Nico Dockx/Pascal Gielen (eds.),, Valiz, 2015, pp.107


Oda Projesi, “If I ask you a question and then if you ask a question to me”, M/other Voices column, February 2016: https://www.mothervoices.org/column/2016/3/2/february-2016-oda-projesi-tr

Oda Projesi “Radio as a Space!”, Radio Art Zone, Sarah Washington (ed.), Hatje Kantz Verlag, 2023, pp. 22-23