Oda Projesi in Mobile Autonomy

Mobile Autonomy 
Exercises in Artists' Self-Organization
edited by Nico Dockx & Pascal Gielen

Publisher: Valiz
Series: Antenna 
248 pages
14 × 21cm

Oda Projesi organized several round-table conversations with mothers and fathers from various backgrounds about the possible relationship between parenting and producing at the same time. Oda Projesi being artist mothers, needed to learn from each others' tactics. And the question as an inspiration to these talks was how our production is effected from mothering/fathering. Another influence came from the artist Deidre M. Donoghue from Ada Collective, Rotterdam; who is currently working on a research project called (M)other Voices: The maternal as an attitude; maternal thinking & the production of art. The contribution of Oda Projesi to Mobile Autonomy book is one of the 4 sessions realized between 2013-2014 as part of ANA project started in 2013.

Oda Projesi in conversation with:
Sema Aslan (writer, journalist)
Banu Cennetoğlu (artist and founder of BAS, a space for artists' books, İstanbul)
Biray Kolluoğlu (Professor at the Sociology Department, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul)
Defne Koryürek (food activist, head of Slow Food Turkey)
Burcu Serdar Köknar (architect, founder of Anonim, İstanbul)

March 29, 2014


Oda Projesi @ Mobile Autonomy Summer School

MOBILE AUTONOMY (August 24 – 30/2015) @ Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp, Belgium

Lectures and workshops by ÅbäkeNico Dockx, Pascal GielenErik Hagoort,Thomas HirschhornHotel CharleroiIsabell LoreyOda Projesi, Tara Cranswick, Emma Rushton and Derek Tyman,Gerald Raunig and Raqs Media Collective.

Hosted by Lokaal 01, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerpen, Middelheimmuseum, Extra City, Arts in Society


Space User-Makers in Istanbul: From Oda Projesi to Gezi Resistance by Derya Özkan

Presentation "Space User-Makers in Istanbul: From Oda Projesi to Gezi Resistance" by Derya Özkan at the Workshop "Protests in the Metropolis" as part of the Project "Doing Tolerance" on 7 November 2015 at Center for Metropolitan Studies in Berlin. more info.

Urban Common and Commoners in Istanbul by Derya Özkan

Presentation “Urban Common and Commoners in Istanbul. From Oda Projesi to Gezi Resistance” by Derya Özkan at “Civic Engagement and Participatory Art in the Middle East and South AsiaPanel at CIADA 2015 Conference on 7-9 October 2015 in Singapore. more info.



Oda Projesi, Mariann Steegmann Institute. Art&Gender (MSI) ve Bremen Üniversitesi'nin davetiyle wohnen+/-ausstellen (living+/-exhibiting) araştırma programı çerçevesinde 20 Nisan 2015'te, Bremen'deki Weserburg Müzesi'ndeki Zentrum für Künstlerpublicationen'de, "Project in a Room" başlıklı bir sunum yaptı. Bu program, sanat ve ev içi alan ilişkisine odaklanıyor. Oda Projesi ise bu bağlamla yakından ilişkili olan projeler seçkisiyle programa katıldı.